
Release Version 10.7 ( Release Notes )

Operating System Release Name Release Date Size(bytes) SHA2-256 Installation Guide
Windows 64 bits 10/CallReplaySetup-10.7-e04ceb8f.exe 2024-04-26 03:39:44 +0300 228,720,207 48595e0de85547b3df5bc3066055b17bde4db4e2875aceca1cedde450a972946 HTML PDF

Free trial

You'll have to request a 30 days evaluation license. CallReplay will not run without it. The license file will be provided to you by e-mail.

You can start evaluating the solution using this evaluation license, and, when you decide that this solution fits your needs, just purchase a production license and upload the license file on server. No reinstallation needed. If you later decide that you need to add new servers to the recording pool, just purchase new licenses and upload them on those servers.

The evaluation license is not bound to a server, and can be reassigned to other machine if such a necessity occurs. However, the production license is bound to a server and can be reassigned to a new one only after contacting us.

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Technical Support Phone
+1 857 206 6014